Motor | Wheel Pulleys


Wheel Pulleys:
These come in many different tooth counts to create different top speeds or torque.
larger wheel pulley will create more torque at the cost of a lower top speed.
In most cases more torque and less top speed will give you better performance overall.

So if you want more range you will want to gear for torque rather than top speed.
There a point at which can no longer gain torque by gearing the wheel higher.
If you are going this route and hit the point of no gain or more loss than gain. (IE loss of range)
Then you are at your
systems limits.

This is not bad to hit the limits. It just that your ESC, Motors, Battery, etc may need to be upgraded for you to get what you are asking of your esk8.

Motor Pulleys:
These come in many different tooth counts to create different top speeds or torque.
smaller wheel pulley will create more torque at the cost of a lower top speed.
In most cases more torque and less top speed will give you better performance overall.
If your motor pulley is to small the belt will slip as there is not enough teeth to grab when romping
on the throttle. Just think of only one tooth of a belt trying to pull you, its not going to happen.

With to large of a motor pulley you will lose all torque and not be moving fast if at all.
40 would be considered pretty large for a motor pulley. then again this can depend on the
system limits.

15T is standard set by the community, and 12T can slip without idlers.
Some tooth sizes you will not find due to the motor shaft size. Common shaft is 8mm OD or 10mm OD.


Lets pretend "every rider has the same system" , and repeat this statement for each line below.
+ "xxx" and every rider skates differently than you.
+ "xxx" has a goal of what they want from their vehicle. some need range, some torque, some speed, some best over all.

To find the best over all can only be done by you and you alone.
You have a unique style and certain demands from your vehicle.

I suggest gearing to 15T Motor 72T Wheel for starting.
From here you can decided if you want more speed or more torque.

If you get up hills well, then you can gear lower in the wheel pulley for a higher top
end, with some torque loss. This can gain you range but can also lose you range.

You will have to ride to find out, what works best for you in all situations as well
as what you want most from your esk8. Maybe you just want 20mins at 60mph.
If thats what you want gear for it, but know the faster you gear the slower you stop
as well. Maybe you want to pop wheelies on command. Then gear for torque and get it!


FocBox Unity Specs:

160A Continuous System Current

80A Continuous Motor Current

300A Max Current

150000 Max ERPM

Voltage rating components 8V-60V

Compatible battery 3S to 12S